Posted by Loly at 10:52 AM 0 comments
We had tickets to the Monday night Football game in Dallas. It was the first home game and we were very excited to go up until Ike made his presence. Our only concern was ofcourse our little boy. Once Monday came around we felt more comfortable about leaving him with Guelo and Gueli for just one night especially because they had a generator. From the looks of it he didn't mind staying either. He gave us hugs and kisses and quickly dismissed us! It actually kinda made me feel bad! :)
Barber (24) and Owens (81) were in the houze! Erica and I @ Ok Corral!
Joseph was warming up for a picture but Roy was ready!!!!
It turned out to be an awesome game, 37 - 41, Cowboys won!!! And at the end, Roy had everyone singing to the Eagles Fans, "NAH - NAH - NAH-NAH, HEY- HEY-HEY GOODBYE!" LOL
Posted by Loly at 9:32 AM 0 comments
My silly Boy!
To be a child again...no worries...:)
We roughed it up at my sis's house in the hallway!
My mommy and daddy's backyard.
Tree's fell all around my parents house but nothing on top!
God is good!
Posted by Loly at 8:26 AM 0 comments
I'm so sad...He passed away this morning...
He put life in perspective...
Posted by Loly at 10:41 AM 0 comments
It's very inspirational.
Dash, A poem by Linda Ellis
Posted by Loly at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Last night hubby and I were watching "The Family Guy". I started to fall asleep but I informed him that I was craving some attention. NOOOOOO PERVERTS, NOT LIKE THAT!!! I'm talking about innocent, kind affection like a hug or a sweet kissie. So as he lay next to me, he began to lovingly touch my face and stroke my hair. I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep when I hear him say (in the silliest voice), "Would you like some ice cream from my ice cream truck? Tata-tataa-tataa-tataa..." I, ofcourse, started LMAO!!!!! He sounded just like the creepy old guy from "The Family Guy"!
Thanks hun, I was STILL laughing thinking about it this morning...:)
Love you!
Posted by Loly at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Posted by Loly at 8:12 AM 0 comments
This morning on the way to work, Tori and I were on the HOV lane talking about "clean sheets" (don't ask)...
(this is Tori and Me)
We were coming up to a split and I realized at the last minute that I needed to move over to the right lane, so I did!!!!
HUGE MISTAKE!!!!!! My lil car started spinning out of control and I ended up hitting the wall with the bumper of my car!!!!
It was only a matter of seconds but it was sooooooooo scary and Tori had a cup of coffee in her hand the whole time!!! I totally expected to see her soaking in java but to my surprise it only spilled a little on the door!
OMG! Once I turned the car around and got back on track, we didn't know how to react to what had just happened but the laughter just came!!! We were shaking but laughing so hard!!!! It was the coffee more than anything that had us giggling. I am so relieve that it wasn't as bad as it COULD have been. Thank God we are both ok. The car has major scratches on it but it's driveable and it is grey so I'm hoping it is not that noticeable! Hubby was glad to hear we were ok too but sooooooooooo upset!
Sorry, babe!
Tori sent me this comment on MS:
And this morning, Loly hit the wall.....LOL I'm ok!
Yeah, this is something we will never forget.......
Posted by Loly at 10:31 AM 0 comments