We spent the 4th of July in Snyder, TX (home of the White Buffalo). We stayed with my in-laws (the most awesome people in town) and every morning we woke up to the aroma of my mother in-laws cooking. Let's see...we had flour tortillas, briskett, eggs, frijoles, papas, chile...she even added porkchops the last morning we were there!!! Sooooo YUMMY! I love being out in the coutry. It is so relaxing and beautiful. Ethan enjoyed seeing all his cousins there and playing in dirt all day long. We got to see Ms. Shelby in a parade and then later went to the park/carnival to see the fireworks. We ofcourse continued to pig out and enjoyed sausages on the stick, briskett nachos and a fajita burrito. Oh, and I almost forgot the late night burritos and chimichangas (Chimi-charrangas) from Allsups (Like a 7-11). They were the BOMB! Yes, I'm paying for it now but we had a great time. Can't wait to go back!

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