Our trip began on Friday and once we crossed the border we met up with the groom (Tavo) and he took us to a Hotel his friend works at. Although the room was kinda creepy (like the movie "Vacancy") we ended up getting a great deal! Afterward we chilled at my Tia Chelos house.

We chowed down on some bean tamales followed by some ice cold TECATES! Oh Yeah! They went down nicely. And YES...we each had our own bottle!!! lol Check out the size of those things!!!

Ofcourse mom kept praying for me as she watched me drink saying, "Ay Dios mio" or "Diosito Santo!" She even started calling me by my middle name saying, "No tomes mucho DOLORES!"

That night we hung out with the groom in the room and continued drinking our Tecates. After that was out we sipped on some Vodka and Fresca Toronja or Tequila Hornitos Plata and Fresca Toronja. Those drink were the bomb! Bro claims he don't remember anything past 12:00! lol

Ethan ended up falling asleep which meant the party was over for me. The other freaks went out into the night walking down the main street. I heard the next morning that they had walked too far from the Hotel so their Mexican asses had to all fit into a taxi to get back!!!! 4 Big guys and 1 girl! I would of loved to have seen that! Saturday we woke up looking for breakfast and we stopped by the Plaza on the way. Ethan enjoyed it!

We went to the Mercado to eat breakfast and afterwards we went looking around for bargains! My goal was to find a "frauda" (prada) or a "cooch" (coach) purse but I had no luck...So we went
back to the Hotel (ta na na na naaaa) and took a nap. Woke our broke ass up and went back to Tia Chelos house for more tamales. This time we had cheese, chicken and beans! Soooo yummy! Oh and more Tecate's! jiji My sister had just made it in from Houston so we took her
back to the hotel (ta na na na naaaa) to get settled in. Got ready and went to my cousin Tavo's wedding. Before the ceremony actually began there was some sort of parade going on...It was obviouse they were praising the Virgin Mary but I don't know the details of the event. Anyway, it was awesome to watch! Here is a short video...