Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Letter to Me

I totally copied this from somewhere but I really liked it.

If you could write a letter to your high school self, what would it say?
I just heard that Brad Paisley song about the letter to himself in high school. Anyway, here is a letter to me...

Dear Maria,
Before I start, just know, it all works out well - just not at all the way you planned. But, that's okay. You'll learn that things happen for a reason, you just have to believe. Also, you did a good job. Don't change too many things because each step you took lead you to the life you have, now. The mistakes you made were minor - nothing life altering. For that, you will always be grateful.

#1 - Lay off the guys. Really, this boy crazy issue you have is very annoying. In the end, not one of the guys you like will pan out to anything worth all your attention. So, chill out and enjoy other aspects of your teenage years.

#2 - Since diabetes runs in the family, work out, stay fit and eat healthy, that way you don't have any problems.

#3 - Hang out with Tia Loly as much as you can. You'll miss her.

#4 - Even if you don't keep in contact with most of the friends you made, know that their influences will have shaped your life forever. Your TRUE friends will be around for a long while.

#5 - Your parents really are clueless - but they mean well. A few less eye rolls would probably be appreciated.

#6 - Be more patient with Peter and Ana. They are older and got it rough and your annoyance doesn't help anything.

#7 - Take harder classes in high school. You did okay but if you had extended yourself a bit and learned how to study, I bet those good study habits would have helped you.

#8 - Jose is dating somebody at the same time he's dating you. Don't cry about it - just deal with it and move on.

#9 - Girbeaud and Z. Cavaricci jeans - UGLY.

#10 - For the Graduation party, get someone to watch the gate - Ophelia is not paying attention, she even waved at the cops while she let them in.

#11 - That swing in the backyard...Use it to get away for a while, swing away.

There's a lot more. But, you really did do okay. You got through in a fairly non-traumatic way and your life is pretty cool right now. So, sit back and enjoy.

ps - Don't EVER say that 31 is old because your pushing 32 now and feeling pretty good.


jbgirl said...
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jbgirl said...

That's a good letter to yourself. You weren't too hard, but then again, you learn as you go and so what if life throws you a curve ball, just take it in stride and don't take anything for granted. Remember you told me to look at the sign sitting behind you? It's time I start learning from that. Seriously. BUt if I actually sat down and wrote a letter to my teenage self, I would probably have to publish it and call it, "Life's Not so Pleasant Lessons But hey Suck it up and MOve On Bitch!!